
Showing posts from 2016

Why Hugging is Good For You

This Short Scientifically Explains Why Hugging is Good For You. What is that desire humans have to give someone a hug when they are feeling down? There is a natural knowing to hug someone when they need that physical connection. It turns out humans need social contact such as pats on the back, hugs, and hand-holding. Even science has confirmed that this all contributes to both your happiness and your health. Hugs really are rather extremely awesome if you think about them.  They’re free, they’re quick, you can do them in public, you can hug people of both sexes, and you can hug people of all ages. Seriously, if you’re not hugging, you’re missing out. So, to sum it up by hugging more you can increase pleasure, decrease stress, increase human bonding, and all the while decreasing the risk of common heart ailments – sign me up, please! Ok! Straight after you finish reading this my advice to you is to find a cute animal, someone you love, someone you want to love, or...


Sometimes when we think our lives are falling apart what we don’t see, is that they might just be falling into place. While change is not always welcomed, it is always warranted and often when we think that our lives have fallen into utter disarray, it’s because everything is realigning to match our true intentions and desires…   1. Everything you dislike has become unbearable   There is nothing quite like the feeling of irritability. It’s as if it comes out of nowhere like a mosquito in the night, causing you to itch until your skin is scarred. When the little things in life that never really bothered you much before, start surmounting right before your eyes… know that change is coming. It has to. There is only so much negativity we can take, until finally the last straw breaks and we snap… into action.   2. You feel lost   We’ve all heard that getting lost is the best way to find yourself. Truly though, it sounds a little backward, that is until… we can understand ...


What Does 8 Planets in Retrograde Actually Mean and Why Should You Care? This planetary positioning hasn’t happened in our solar system for over ten years,  here is your guide to thriving during this pivotal time.  When a planet goes retrograde, it visually appears to orbit around Earth backward but isn’t actually. It just appears this way in our solar system, and therefore in astrological charting. If you are a sensitive or intuitive person, then you have been feeling within the last six to ten months the major shifts not only on the planet by seeing the uprising of people demanding equality but also within your personal life! When any planet moves into a retrograde position, it is a time that most people in the esoteric community have a strong negative connotation attached to it because it usually preempts a time of change; they talk about it being a destructive time! For example, Mercury in Retrograde: you are instructed not to make any major decisions, not to tr...


Sleep is one of the most vital elements of our daily routine. If we do not get enough of it, we turn into horrible monsters with a war path set out to destroy everything and everyone. However, aside from the obvious that we know, did you know these other thirteen things about sleep? It is a good thing to know the variety of information that happens to us when we sleep! 1. When you first go to sleep, your brain begins to recharge, your body begins to release important hormones for your body, and your cells begin to repair themselves for more work tomorrow. 2. The sleep we require changes throughout our years of growing. For babies, it’s about 16 hours, children 3-12 require 10 hours, 13-18 require 10 hours, 19-55 require 8 hours, and over 65 most only need 6 hours. 3. Men often dream of other men more than 70% of the time! Women dream about men and women equally. 4. Humans will actually die from sleep deprivation before being deprived of food. Normally, it takes about 2 weeks to sta...


If dreams are a reflection of reality, how does someone with a different sense of reality dream? Every person dreams, even if they are convinced they don’t. Some people can never remember their dream and others can only recall a vague sensation after waking up.   The definition of a dream is: ‘A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep’.   What happens when you take away the images? Since you never experienced the sense of sight. Or what if someone experienced vision as a part of his life but turned blind? Does this influence dreaming?   A new study published in the journal Sleep magazine takes us into the dream world of the people who cannot see. Three different groups were investigated. The first group had full vision, the second turned blind at a certain stage in their life and the third one contained people who were born blind. Each group got the same 3 questions: To describe their dream im...


Howdy Howdy! Today we’re going to talk about soil and why it’s so important, along with some ways you can improve it.  Soil can make or break not only a garden but entire civilizations.  Please understand I’m not just talking about dirt, but the dirt that contains life, microbes, bugs, worms, water, and organic matter, that’s soil and it needs our help. Soil erosion is a huge environmental challenge in many places and it is often exacerbated by modern agricultural farming practices.  Luckily for us, permaculture can help. With permaculture, we can reverse the damage we’ve done to the planet, as well as grow our food in a way that is actually smarter and regenerative (instead of just sustainable). Permaculture crops are known to produce higher yields while taking less work because permie people restore the land and the soil. Some people will say just add fertilizer and who cares… Well, the thing is, most conventional fertilizers only give you a few different kinds of nu...

Giant prehistoric bird fossils found in Antarctica

Representative Image: A replica of a Pelagornis skeleton at the National Museum of Natural History. Credit: Ryan Somma/wiki Scientists on Wednesday said they have found the remains of a giant prehistoric bird that lived 50 million years ago in Antarctica and had the largest wingspan ever recorded. Paleontologists at a natural history museum in Argentina said they had identified the pelagornithid, or bony-toothed bird, nearly three years after its fossilized bones were first found at an Argentine research base on the Antarctic island of Marambio. "Almost three years ago, remains began to appear of what we believed could be this bird. Then we found a bone that confirmed that it was a pelagornithid," an extinct family of enormous seabirds, said Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche, a researcher on the project. The bird's wings, fully extended, spanned more than 6.4 meters (21 feet), she said. Her colleague Marcos Cenizo, the director of the Natural Sciences Museum of ...

Reclaiming the Civic Core of Education

A  Boston Review  forum shows how our thinking about education has gone wrong, and how we might put it right again. In the latest issue of  Boston Review , Danielle Allen  leads a symposium  on the purpose of education with an essay advocating a “participatory” conception over the “vocational paradigm” that has come to dominate education discourse and policy over the last several decades. Allen provides a concise history of this STEM-centered approach to schooling, which originated during the Sputnik panic, consolidated in 1980s-era concerns about America’s global competitiveness, was supplemented by 90s-era research linking technological change to inequality, and is reflected in President Obama’s rhetoric today. It merges a “technology-based analysis of inequality” with a vocational approach to education “focuse[d] specifically on economic equality,” Allen writes. Yet our social inequalities are not limited to differences in income and wealth, and th...